SOAR is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing professional mental health services to victims of sexual trauma and their families regardless of their ability to pay.
A leader in the field, SOAR also provides education, advocacy and professional development.

Request Services
To apply for services:
Please Call 302-655-3953 x 1
This is not a live line.Messages will be returned within 48 business hours. In case of an emergency please call 988/911.
Email us confidentially:
To be added on to our Group Interest Email List Click the Button Below
For medical Records Request
please email

Incorporated as a 501 (c) (3) organization in 1992, Survivors of Abuse in Recovery, Inc. (SOAR) is a statewide outpatient mental health program which provides individual and group counseling to adult, adolescent and child survivors of sexual abuse and assault, their non-offending partners, and non-offending family members
Connect with SOAR
405 Foulk Road
Wilmington, DE 19803
Hours By Appointment
401 N. Bedford Street
Georgetown, DE 19947
Hours By Appointment - No in person appointments at this time.