SOAR is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing professional mental health services to victims of sexual trauma and their families regardless of their ability to pay.
A leader in the field, SOAR also provides education, advocacy and professional development.
Being a leader in the industry since 1992, we have created a useful list of resources, not only for Survivors but also for Professionals and Donors.
Was I Abused?
Use check list to help determine if you have been abused.
The nation's largest anti-sexual assault organization.
Warning Signs of Abuse
Learn the signs of abuse for children, adolescents, and adults.
What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and what can be done?
Crime Victims Bill of Rights
Know your Individual Rights
It's Not You, It's What Happened to You
Written by Christine A. Courtois
Megan's Law
Parents for Megan's Law and The Crime Victims Center.
Child Welfare Information
Trauma focused cognative behavorial therapy.
Adults Surviving Child Abuse
An resource about abuse related conditions.
Emotional and Psychological Trauma Resource.
National Resource Center
A sexual abuse professional resource
Sexual Offense Support
A volunteer organization providing support and advocacy.
Protecting Children, Empowering Parent
An organization providing support for protective parents, prevention for children and other resources.